Case Study:

World Class Engineering and Product Design – Fisher & Paykel Appliances

World first consumer products like the Smart Drive™ washing machine and the DishDrawer™ dishwasher require years of research and development by seriously smart and determined people. These people require best of class tools to develop and test their ideas and at the head of that list is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system.

CAD pushes the boundaries of IT performance requiring high end CPU and GPU performance plus fast and reliable high capacity data storage. A CAD system involves software from multiple suppliers often running across multiple operating environments. System Integration becomes a role central to the successful implementation and running of such a system and requires the development of software and processes that becomes the “glue” that holds it all together.

Over a 13 year period, was the CAD system integrator for Fisher & Paykel Appliance’s product development. The work undertaken involved:

Software development projects spanned a wide range of areas including:

Specific technologies, languages and tools used include:

Duration of engagement – 13 years

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